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ConnectShip LTL

Expand Your Horizons

Purchase the ConnectShip LTL Component

Transform your shipping strategy with ConnectShip LTL, where innovation meets efficiency. Gain the freedom to explore diverse shipping avenues, adapt to evolving environments, and embrace new opportunities. The new ConnectShip LTL provides a direct connection to each of the supported LTL carriers for the most accurate rates and services.
Unlock the Flexibility of Choice
In the fast-paced world of logistics, flexibility is key. ConnectShip LTL offers unparalleled access to a vast network of LTL carriers, giving you the freedom to choose the best options for your specific needs. Whether you're looking to reduce costs, improve delivery times, or access new markets, ConnectShip LTL ensures you have the flexibility to explore diverse shipping avenues.
  • Comprehensive Carrier Network: Seamlessly connect with our growing list of trusted LTL carriers.
  • Automation & Accuracy: Transmit shipment data to the appropriate carrier automatically.
  • Market Expansion: Access new regions and markets with ease.
Adapt to Evolving Environments
The logistics landscape is a dynamic environment shaped by technological advancements, shifting consumer behavior, globalization, regulatory changes, sustainability concerns, and unexpected disruptions. Stay ahead of the curve with ConnectShip. The versatile ConnectShip platform and comprehensive carrier network allows you to pivot quickly and efficiently, ensuring your business remains resilient and responsive regardless of the circumstances.
  • Real-Time Adaptability: Make swift adjustments to your shipping strategies in response to market changes.
  • Scalable Solutions: Grow your business without the growing pains, thanks to our scalable technology.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Leverage real-time data and analytics to make informed decisions
Embrace New Opportunities
In a competitive market, new opportunities are crucial for growth. ConnectShip's LTL component provides you with the tools and insights needed to identify and capitalize on new opportunities, driving your business forward.
Balance Innovation with Stability
While exploring new opportunities is vital, maintaining the reliability and stability of your existing logistics relationships is equally important. ConnectShip ensures that you can seamlessly integrate new carriers while preserving the reliability and performance of your existing carrier relationships.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate new carriers without disrupting existing relationships.
  • Reliable Performance: Maintain high standards of service and reliability across your logistics network.
  • Consistent Quality: Ensure a consistent shipping experience with ConnectShip-maintained compliance.
52 LTL Carriers in One
Featured Highlights
Minimal Configuration Requirements
Less set-up time means you can get back to business faster.

Zero Requirement to Maintain, Purchase, or Load Carrier Rates
Ongoing access to real-time carrier rates and any applicable carrier discounts. Contracts and negotiated rates are managed by each carrier taking even more pressure off of users.

Automatic Transmission of All Shipment Data/Records
Shipment details and records are provided to the appropriate carriers automatically, removing room for transmission errors.

Access Rates and Dates in Real-Time, Every Time
Ensure the accuracy of shipment data with ongoing access to real-time carrier rates, dates, and any contractual agreements.

Compliance Without the Complexity
Direct carrier management of contract-based rates and discounts simplifies the compliance process. Remove the need to maintain contract details and rates.

Powerful PROs
Powerful, informed decision making for maximimum impact. Allow users to choose between API-provided and user-entered PRO numbers. Users can make their selection based on their current volume or other factors specific to their individual business needs.

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