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ConnectShip Custom LTL Component

Home > Carriers > Custom LTL

Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipping is for freight that doesn’t necessarily require the use of an entire trailer, so carriers can haul freight in one trailer for multiple customers simultaneously.

In addition to our list of supported top LTL carriers, we give customers the option to create their own LTL carriers with the ConnectShip Custom LTL component. This component works with ConnectShip Toolkit to facilitate LTL package rating and shipping from origins in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The ConnectShip Custom LTL Component enables complete control over multiple LTL carriers, and allows configuration of rates, discounts, tariffs, and commodity class settings.

Supported Features
  • LTL tariffs
  • Accessorials by Geographic Area
  • Discounts by Geographic Area
  • Absolute minimums and maximums by geographic area
  • Time-in-transit commitments
  • Custom accessorial services
  • Check digit algorithms for PRO numbers
  • Custom upload formats
  • Bill of lading documents
  • Truck manifest documents
  • Multi-class shipments
  • Canada origins and destinations
  • Mexico origins and destinations
  • XML and SMC-3 rate and tariff file support

Supported Standard Documents
  • Canada Customs Invoice
  • Caribbean Common Market Document
  • Certificate of Origin - Standard
    • Enhanced - Num. Boxes Column
  • Commercial Invoice - Standard (Enhanced)
  • Commercial Invoice - Standard (Original)
  • Commercial Invoice (Packages)
  • Consolidated Uniform Bill of Lading - English/French
  • Consolidated Uniform Bill of Lading - Standard
  • Consolidated VICS Bill of Lading
  • NAFTA Certificate of Origin
  • Shipper's Export Declaration
  • Standard Label
  • Standard Manifest - Standard
  • Standard Summary Manifest
    • Sort By Consignee Reference
    • Sort By Shipper Reference
    • Sort By Tracking Number
  • Standard Void Manifest
  • Uniform Bill of Lading - English/French
  • Uniform Bill of Lading - Standard
  • VICS Bill of Lading
Shipping Origin Service Name
CanadaDefault LTL
MexicoDefault LTL
United StatesDefault LTL
3 origins 6 services

The ConnectShip LTL component is available to all ConnectShip customers who contact a ConnectShip representative to request the component. Once the request and payment has been made, ConnectShip will configure your Progistics license to include the LTL component. The LTL component includes one default carrier, but customers can add unlimited LTL carriers within the Progistics Management Console at any time.

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