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Coming Soon

A Major Carrier Portfolio Expansion

In continued support of our mission to offer solutions that add value to our current offerings and empower our customers with more options, ConnectShip will soon be introducing a significant expansion to our carrier portfolio. Be sure your member profile reflects your desire to receive our notifications about "new carriers, products, or features" so you don't miss the announcement!

New Offerings from ConnectShip.com

Purolator International Component

New component available to ConnectShip community members who want specialized, geographically focused package rating and shipping from the United States to Canada.
InsureShield Shipping Insurance

Now available to ConnectShip community members in need of all-risk shipping insurance with comprehensive coverage options, customizable rules, and quick claims payments.

ABF Freight Component

New component available to ConnectShip community members as a pay-as-you-go offering to leverage ABF Freight's LTL network across North America.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

ConnectShip online solution training is technical in nature. Training topics, content, and demonstrations are developed specifically for developers, integrators, and IT professionals who will be integrating, configuring, and customizing ConnectShip solutions. We recommend that trainees have a basic understanding of object-oriented programming with VB, C# or C++, as well as previous scripting experience using PowerShell or VBScript. Trainees will find experience with Microsoft SQL Server to also be helpful. The registration and schedule for our 2022 training is available on our website.

Members Only Content

We want to be sure you didn't miss any important member content this quarter. Please sign in for additional content and visit the links below to see the original member notifications and product update information.

The Latest on Blogistics: The ConnectShip Industry Blog

The Low-Down on LTL Shipping

Economic uncertainty can cause businesses of all sizes to rethink their distribution strategy, often through carrier diversity. This blog entry by ConnectShip's own Ludwig Dischner examines carrier diversification across transportation modes and the benefits it can bring in times of uncertainty.

Six Ways to Build your ConnectShip Knowledge and Stay Informed

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Blogistics is our home for industry insights and discussions. Contributing authours regularly introduce and examine methodologies that may be beneficial to the logistics community. Follow Blogistics to keep up with trending industry topics.
Supports the ConnectShip mission by providing educational resources to create value and competitive advantage within our community. Content has been curated by ConnectShip to aid you in concepts and strategies to create further value for your business.

Follow our ConnectShip social media accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for the latest information and announcements from our team.

Contact Us

with any questions you have or for more information about any of the content included in this newsletter!

Marketing Opportunities

Partner marketing and all related content, while collaborative, is subject to the express approval of ConnectShip marketing.
Let us plan, publish, and promote a case study featuring your company. Check out our brand new video case study featuring ConnectShip Alliance partner, Pitney Bowes and mutual customer Visible Supply Chain Management.
Write a guest blog to be featured on Blogistics, our logistics industry blog. See this recent example by Pavan Telluru, Product Manager of ConnectShip Partner company, ShipConsole.

"Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you."

- Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos