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ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics

Is Your Supply Chain Working For You?

Get ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics

ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics is a cloud-based tool that analyzes your supply chain and retrieves data that you can use to identify problem areas and inform your overall strategy. Best of all, ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics stores all carrier tracking and billing data for all shipments within one application, saving you both time and focus. Extracted data can be viewed via desktop or mobile app and can be leveraged from any system or platform. Stop wasting time searching through disorganized data, get ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics and get on with your day.

Get ConnectShip Intelligent Logistics and get the data you need to:

  • Identify freight recovery opportunities
  • Reduce Cost of Goods Sold
  • Prevent billing errors
  • Enhance order visibility
  • Improve Customer Service
  • Optimize routing
  • Identify Problem Areas
  • Customize dashboard by department and user
  • Merge data with ERP & Order Management Systems
  • Extend Proof-of-Delivery storage
  • Streamline workloads and increase efficiencies
  • Send shipment notifications to customers

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