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What is a ConnectShip Progistics Technology Engineer?

A CPTE is an engineer who has attended the Introduction to ConnectShip Toolkit course, accepted the CPTE agreement, paid the testing fee, and passed the CPTE exam. CPTE designation signifies that the individual has demonstrated understanding of the integration, customization, and maintenance of of ConnectShip solutions. CPTEs benefit their companies by providing the skills necessary for a smooth installation process with less down time.

Benefits of CPTE Status:
  • Participation in the CPTE program satisfies requirements in the ConnectShip Value Added Reseller Agreement.
  • Engineers can add the CPTE logo to their email signature and business cards.
  • ConnectShip will indicate, on the Partners page of the ConnectShip website, the number of CPTEs that a company has on staff.

Invest in your career and your future with ConnectShip Solutions.

Train and certify at home with our online learning, testing, and exam prep resources. We offer a variety of online learning options to help you prepare for the CPTE exam and your future as a ConnectShip Progistics Technology Engineer.

Train with Us
Complete Introduction to Toolkit Training and demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully complete the course.

Request the CPTE Exam
Schedule the exam, sign the CPTE agreement, and review the suggested resources to prepare to test your knowledge and skills pertaining to ConnectShip solutions.

Become a CPTE
Complete the CPTE exam, earning a score of 75% or higher, within 90 days of signing the agreement. Students will be given a maximum of one week to complete the exam.

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