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How to Choose a Provider

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Any strong shipping solution provider offers a standard list of features and benefits. You will need to determine what each provider offers above and beyond that list that would be most beneficial to your specific shipping environment, order management, shipping processes, and can most easily growth with your business.

If you have not yet done a thorough analysis of your supply chain requirements, we recommend visiting our Partners page to consult with one of the companies that resells the ConnectShip technology. Our reseller partners have built transportation and warehouse management systems with the proven ConnectShip compliance engine, and many offer a complete range of business services including logistics management and consultation.

Standard functionality and features to expect from Shipping Solution Providers

  • Shipping with multiple carriers (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.)
  • Carrier-compliant labels, documents, and manifests
  • Access to all carriers on one interface, at one shipping station or order processing workstation
  • Electronic manifesting with uploads formatted to carrier specifications
  • Ability to load custom / negotiated rates or book /retail rates and the ability to show the customer a different rate from the rate you pay the carrier to create an additional source of revenue
  • Integration to SAP, Oracle and other major WMS and ERP systems
  • Rating at the package level and shipment level (multi-piece shipments)
  • A “single solution”. This is the point of shipping applications –- the ability to integrate shipping to enterprise business processing systems -- so it should not be presented as a special feature.
  • Support for multiple devices including printers, scanners, and scales
  • Shipping to all international destinations supported by the carriers

Regarding price, you should expect to pay an annual subscription licensing fee that includes all software enhancements and updates as they are made available. Always ask what is included in the annual software licensing subscription.

Features that differentiate ConnectShip from the competition

In addition to the items listed above, our solutions provide the following:

  • On-Premise AND Off-Premise solutions for those who prefer complete control, or a lower cost of entry with a hosted solution.
  • Integration to nearly any business system, providing complete visibility of shipping information to any point in your ordering process. These systems might include WMS, ERP, accounting, order management, website, inventory management, customer service applications, etc.
  • International shipping
  • Flexibility to change as your business changes
    • The ability to add new locations, carriers, and other features without upgrading to a "higher-end" product
    • Component-based architecture so that you can expand without buying an entirely new shipping solution
    • Multi-tiered or "n-tiered" architecture for greater flexibility and scalability
    • Support for industry-standard interfaces including .NET, XML, web services, and COM
    • Management of multiple distribution points from a centralized location
  • Stability that comes from the financial backing of UPS, the world's largest package delivery company and a global leader in supply chain and freight services

Our network of Partners uses ConnectShip software as their shipping engine. They also provide solutions that are capable of additional functionality, including hazmat support, trade compliance, yard management, inventory management, etc. Contact one of our Partners to see if their solutions will meet your needs.

The most comprehensive enterprise shipping systems should provide the capability to rate, ship, and manifest with multiple carriers from a centrally managed location with decision-making capability at the order point. The value of ConnectShip solutions as compared to other providers is the financial security of UPS, the technological expertise that ConnectShip has acquired from more than 35 years of experience, and a well-known history of innovation. With ConnectShip solutions, you have visibility, flexibility, scalability, and multi-carrier compliance needed to prepare for the future.

Can't decide which solutions is best for your individual situation? Take a look at our side-by-side solution comparison for all of our offerings. To speak with a representative about the advantages of our solutions, please contact us.

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