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Also see our guide: Choosing the Right Shipping Software Provider. Our solutions fit transportation needs across all industries. Set up a call today and experience the ConnectShip difference.

Solution Comparison
Features  Toolkit Toolkit Cloud Warehouse
API interface: Integrates to business software or your custom screen
Customizable functionality and integration using scripting
Windows client application
Standards-based web service interface available
Creates shipping labels and other documents
Submits electronic shipping information to carriers
Quotes carrier-published rates or custom rates
Rates shipments with multiple carriers
Toolkit Toolkit Cloud Warehouse
Provides time-in-transit calculations
Produces custom labels and other documents *
Custom carriers can be configured *
Locally installed
Hosted in the cloud
Allows small package shipping with multiple carriers
LTL shipping
LTL shipment rating
Toolkit Toolkit Cloud Warehouse
Returns carrier tracking numbers
Allows for multiple shipping stations/locations
Processes moderate to high daily parcel shipments
Pay-as-you-go pricing available
Built in address book
Haz Mat support
International Shipping

*Additional fees may apply

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