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Business is Dynamic

Our Solutions Scale to Meet Your Needs

Technology that Adapts to You

ConnectShip Toolkit powers custom processes, configuration, and system integration with trusted performance. Connect our shipping engine to existing and new enterprise tools. Custom configure your Toolkit for optimal compatibility. Bring in our team to make special requirements within Toolkit a reality. The video below provides a short explanation of Toolkit integration benefits and options.

Integration Services from ConnectShip

What to expect, in addition to quality service...

Project Scoping

Statement of Work and Project Sign-Off

Project Kick-Off

User Acceptance Testing and Project Close Out

Support Introduction and Training

Scope of Integration Services

Legacy server/component migration, such as:
  • Progistics >>> latest version of Progistics
  • ConnectShip Warehouse (CSW) >>> latest version of CSW
  • XML Processor code >>> Advanced Message Processor (AMP) code
  • Legacy UPS Component(s) >>> UPS Consolidated
  • GLS Component >>> latest GLS Component

Code Development Assistance. This may include but is not limited to:
  • An AMP Shipment Request
  • A complete Global Server Component (GSC) carrier
  • A custom tracking number algorithm
  • A custom label
  • A custom EOD upload file
  • A GSC Zonelist or Routing List XML node
  • Code review

Trouble-shooting production/go-live issues. This may include but is not limited to:
  • Oracle or SQL Server issues
  • FedEx FSMS server issues
  • SAP backend issues
  • Other carrier-related issues

Trouble-shooting development environment. This may include but is not limited to:
  • Identify and help resolve incomplete or incorrect maintenance protocols within the end-user environment
  • Resolution of issues resulting from improper application of patches, etc.
  • ConnectShip database issues related to external SQL Server or Oracle issues
  • SAP backend issues

Ready to Get Started?

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