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ConnectShip Solutions for Auto Manufacturers and Distributors

Auto parts distributors often find themselves shipping from one distribution center to another before finally delivering parts to the customer or retail store. ConnectShip facilitates shipping from multiple locations with one centrally managed system.

Customer Service
ConnectShip solutions provide customers with a choice of carriers and services

Carrier Compliance
Carrier compliant shipping means less down time and lower cost for you, and fastest possible delivery to customers

Inventory Control
Tie your shipping system to your inventory system for greater operational efficiency

Greater Visibility
Get shipping rates at order time so you can make shipping choices early in your process

Our solutions offer the speed that you expect and the flexibility you need.

Logistical Needs of the Diversified Auto and Parts Industry

Auto parts manufacturers and distributors require speed, visibility, and efficiency to accommodate growth and enhance logistics capabilities to and from facilities and dealerships. They look for ways to leverage technology to reduce transportation costs and streamline transportation processes. Our flexible products and components can help you accomplish this and more.
  • High speed shipping solution than can handle 50 to 50K+ packages per day, so it scales when your business grows in the global marketplace
  • A shipping engines that integrate seamlessly with WMS, ERP, or other business system interfaces
  • Choice of on premise or cloud shipping solutions
  • Shipping labels and electronic postage for regional, national, and international carriers
  • Mail, parcel, and LTL freight carriers to handle your types of shipments
  • Choice of the best carrier and service with comparisons based on shipping rates or scheduled delivery date
  • Central management of shipping from many locations
  • Support for carrier-published shipping rates or negotiated/customer rates
  • Address validation with commercial/residential identifier (U.S. destinations)
  • International shipping, with foreign currency support, paperless invoice, international shipping labels, and other documents
  • Custom carrier framework for shipping with smaller/regional carriers
  • Custom Documents module to add your own content (barcodes, text, logo or other images) to standard carrier labels and other documents
  • Mobile solutions with options for customers with pre-arranged shipping or returns
Attention Resellers and Systems Integrators

Are you someone who expertly matches retail clients with the appropriate warehouse and logistics systems? Contact us to find out how our shipping solutions integrate with ERP, WMS, OMS, TMS, POS, and other business systems. Let ConnectShip help you help your clients.

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